Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Day at the Maze......

Just wanted to share some pictures from our day at Strom's Farm. It was perfect fall day and the kids had fun. Emily doing some pumpkin chuck'n.

Hayleigh writing down another clue.
Hayleigh's turn at the pumpkin chuck'n.

The girls showing off their tatoo's. If you get one of these, it means you found your way out the corn maze.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The First Day of School (Part II)

Emily has returned home from her first day of school, just like she assured me she would. The morning was not as sad I thought it would be, because it was just one of those mornings. Those mornings were you wonder how you ever got it all together and made it to work still sane. Both the girls were beyond excited and then there would be tears and then there would be fighting, with more excitement to follow. It was just chaos. Emily was all keen to let me take her picture and then she refused and then agreed to have her picture taken, but proceeded to act like a goof.
The day ended with the same excitement, but less the tears and fighting. She was keen to tell us about her day and she can't wait until Thursday when she gets to go back again.

Monday, September 10, 2007

And this is only the beginning.....

Last Tuesday, Emily went to meet her new kindergarten teacher and have a peek at her new classroom. The meeting went very well and Emily filled Mrs. Vorstenbosch in on everything she already new about kindergarten as her big sister had already told her everything she ever needed to know about kindergarten. During this meeting Emily was given a homework assignment to be completed by her first day of school. It involved colouring a picture of her favourite teddy bear and filling in the blanks. Two of which required her to write her name. Every night last week I asked her about doing her homework and I was given the "I will do it later" response. Finally, on Saturday, I told her it had to be done and well, this is the look she had the whole time. At one point, I had to get up to answer the phone to only come back and find that she had conned her sister into writing her name on the project. I can only hope for better days ahead, because I think she is showing signs of what I can only imagine to be her father's school work habits, because I know she certainly did not inherit them from me.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Playing Catch Up

Here are some pictures from what will probably be our last camping trip this year.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

And Just Like That.....

Yes, I know it has been almost two months since I have posted anything and I really have no excuse for it. I just did not spend much time on the computer this summer and there was the isuse of the our dial up, but this week we stepped into the 21st century and now have high speed. in the boonies. As for what is new in our lives, Hayleigh started grade 1 this week. Thankfully, it is a short week, because she is sooooo tired and I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. Tonight around our house was not pretty either.

Next week is going to be my tough week. My baby starts school. Only five more sleeps. We went to check our her new classroom on Tuesday. She has the same teacher as Hayleigh, so all is good there. Hayleigh has filled on her on the in & outs of kindergarten. So, I guess she is ready to go. I am not sure that I am ready for this, but I guess I have no choice. She keeps telling me that she is only going to be gone for the day and she will come home again. Yep, she is ready for school
With any luck there will be more pictures & posts in the days to come.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007