Monday, June 4, 2007

Good News, Bad News.

I guess I will start off with the bad and that is we had to have Louie put down yesterday. Brent found him on Thursday back in the bush in really bad shape and took him to the vet. At first, we thought he got into some rat poison, but his symptons were not indicative of that. We really had no idea. There were a couple possiblities of what may have happened to him but we did not know for sure. On Friday he showed some improvement, so we decided to give him the weekend and hopefully he would get better. On Saturday he showed no improvement over Friday. Sunday morning before going to the vet, Brent and I decided if he had shown no more improvement, we were not going to have him put down. When Brent got to the vet he perked up, but his breathing was laboured. They did some blood tests and they showed that he was getting worse and just confirmed that were making the best decision. We did not want to see him suffer anymore.

We told the girls that there was the possibility that Louie would die. Emily has always said she really missed him. Hayleigh response was that would be okay, because we can always get another dog. Hayleigh pretty much had the life goes on attitude and had convinced Emily of the same. They have already decided we are going to get a puppy and it is going to be yellow, name yet to be determined. Actually Emily's exact words are, "we are all going to have to agree on a name." They want to see where Louie is buried, but weather has cooperated.

This weekend was a hard one for me. I never thought I would get this upset about a dog. I guess I kinda had the same attitude as Hayleigh. I don't whether is just being older, being a mom or what it is, but seeing Louie like that was hard. I am starting to cry now as I type this - yesterday, I was a mess. He is now buried with all the other dogs that have roamed our farm in the last 30 years, so he's in good company.

So that was the bad news, and now for some good. Brent found out today that he was accepted into the


Kelly said...

into the what???

Regarding Louie...I'm very sorry.

Anonymous said...

into the what?????????????

I hope that you are feeling better then you were on Sunday Christa. I can't imagine what you are going through. If anything every happened to Lexy I am sure that I would be the same way.